Nachat Society

A new way to support your grandkids’ education

Dear Fellow WTA Grandparents,

As proud grandparents, you know that the grandparents club is the most exclusive group around! We are continually inspired by the joy and wonder our grandchildren bring into our lives. Over the years, we have watched both our grandchildren and Westchester Torah Academy blossom.

This year, we are excited to partner with WTA to support and enrich our grandchildren's educational journey through establishing The Nachat Society. Though we don’t spend every day with our grandchildren, we realize we can make a big difference in our grandchildren’s daily lives by supporting their school. It brings us so much joy to help expand special events, increase school improvements, and beautify the campus that our grandchildren use each and every day.

Our generation possesses a wealth of wisdom, experience, and love that can profoundly impact our grandchildren's growth and development. By coming together, we can leverage our collective resources and talents to provide support to our grandchildren's educational endeavors. This new generation will do amazing things - join us in giving them the best gift of all.

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