WTA’s Core Values

At Westchester Torah Academy, our four core values are central to every aspect and facet of the school. They shape our school's culture and they serve as our educational compass.  We often refer to our core values as “guidelines by which we live and breathe.”  Examples include:  formulating our curriculum, recruiting and retaining staff, and shaping our educational model.  Most recently, they even play an important role in the decisions regarding our new Early Childhood construction project.  The core values serve as the foundation upon which WTA’s board makes decisions and our budget is structured.

אהבת תורה
Love of Torah

Our Jewish practices are informed by our deep passion for Jewish values.  Our personal relationship with the Torah breeds a heartfelt commitment to mitzvot. We start from connection to Torah and move into commitment to mitzvot - why we practice is as important as what we practice. Love permeates our relationships and is the glue which holds together all members of our community. 

Humility & Modesty

Humility is a mindset that permeates every aspect of the school and reflects a value our parent body holds dear.  At WTA, we function purposefully and modestly, mindful of each blessing we have been given. Teachers and students alike, show כבוד, respect to self, others and the environment.  WTA is strategic about the use of funds, ensuring that every dollar is invested wisely in our students’ education.  

הכל בשמחה
Joyful Mindset

Our mindset encourages us to pursue joy, wonder and self-discovery in our relationships and in learning.  We approach challenges with a positive, “can do attitude” and seek to find creative solutions to challenges.  Our staff, administrators and teachers model a growth mindset and instill it in our students who are welcomed each day with warmth and appreciation.    

מצוינות עצמית
Commitment to Best Self

The foundation of our educational model is anchored in מצוינות , עצמית, commitment to best self.  We foster independence in our students, focusing on empowering them to take ownership of their learning and growth and set achievable goals. 

This begins in our Early Childhood program.  The Montessori approach enables our youngest students to take care of themselves and their environment.  Practical Life skills, dressing and food preparation are but a few of the building blocks ensuring cognitive and social/emotional learning.  They also promote building essential traits like concentration, patience and critical thinking.

In the Lower School, the rotational model builds strong bonds between teachers and students in small group learning to ensure that each child is appropriately challenged. 

The Project Based Learning model in the Middle School inspires a love of learning , makes it meaningful and promotes goal setting, time management and character growth.